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    Commitment to Sustainability – With small but impactful steps, we actively contribute to environmental protection. Responsible resource management and the preservation of nature are at the heart of our efforts, even when this requires investments. Currently, our focus is on reducing plastic packaging and CO₂ emissions. In the medium term, we aim to obtain certification to further strengthen our commitment to sustainability.


    We train the professionals of tomorrow! With solid apprenticeship programs in administration and logistics, we create opportunities for young people and invest in sustainable talent development.

    Waste Management

    Less waste, more environmental awareness: thanks to our well-thought-out waste disposal strategy and targeted waste reduction measures, we produced 18% less waste in 2023 compared to the previous year – and we continue to work on sustainable solutions.

    Sustainable Growth

    Financial stability and resource conservation are our focus – for sustainable growth and a livable future for future generations.


    Since 2022, we have reduced our electricity consumption by 7%, thanks to energy-efficient measures such as the modernization of our flat roof, an eco-friendly geothermal probe heating system (brine-water heat pump), LED lighting, a sustainable winter service with brine, and the planning of photovoltaic (PV) systems on the roof.

    Equal Opportunities

    We stand for equal opportunities and fair treatment – regardless of nationality, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs. Education and training opportunities are accessible to everyone, and respect and loyalty shape our corporate culture. We guarantee: equal pay for equal work.


    Long-term partnerships, top quality, and sustainable growth: we value stable relationships, respectful interactions with people and the environment, and advanced IT solutions. Through continuous process optimization and our ISO 9001:2015-certified management system, we ensure efficiency and future viability.

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